Saturday, December 12, 2009

Two Months Gone By

Two months have gone by since baby Dorian was born. He weighed 12 pounds and was 23 inches long at his 2 month Doctor's appointment. He was sad to get shots, as all babies are. He's slobbering a lot now and chewing his hands a lot. He looks as if he's getting his incisors in already, but the doctor told me they are just mucus cysts that are normal in infant mouths. We think he looks like a little vampire though. :)

Our garage project is finally done. So Eric's office moved out of the house, freeing up a room! And Tristan is thoroughly enjoying his ROOM. We dare not call it a bedroom, for we will get a lecture, "It is not a bedroom! It is just my ROOM!" He's right, there's no bed in there, just clothes and toys.

Tristan is a big helper. He likes to help with household chores and likes to do everything himself. "I can do it myself!" and "I'm a big boy!" are words we often hear coming from him. He's very good at entertaining his brother and even at holding and patting him. Of course, Dorian adores Tristan. Just seeing him makes the little guy smile. Everyone tells us what a good baby we have, even strangers. His temperament is very similar to that of Tristan as a baby. Tristan was also a good baby. And happy - both happy babies. Enough talk, I know all you want to see are pictures! :) So here are some current ones from this last month.

Ready for the meeting.

After bath cute curls.

Cutie smile.

Tristan helping out.

Another meeting day, both boys dressed up.

Tristan making a very Daddy(Eric)/ Grandma Brenda face.

Dorian looking at Tristan.

Dorian smiling at Tristan.

Dorian laughing at some Tristan antic.

Almost too big for Big Brother's lap.

Bedtime stories with Daddy. Go Dog Go!