Thursday, October 28, 2010

New Haircut

Grandma Brenda came to visit and gave Tristan a much needed haircut. A few days later I gave Dorian a haircut too. His first one with the buzzer.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Kitchen Cabinet Destroyer

What? A boy's gotta make himself a place to sit while he's emptying the cabinet.

I Love Barry the Berry-colored Bear

Tristan's Prince of Persia

Tristan was reading Lego Magazine and wanted this Prince of Persia set. I told him that he had plenty of Legos. He said that maybe we could make the set from what he already had. We got pretty close. I was especially impressed with the way he made it look like the prince was flying through the air to fight the soldier guard.

Lopsided Smile

I love that lopsided smile. We found a baby picture of Eric with the same lopsided smile with 3 teeth on the bottom. If it weren't for the eyes, you'd wonder if it was the same baby. (These are all pictures of Dorian though).

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Anniversary

On the first anniversary of Dorian's birth, he gave his parents an amazing gift. He wore the same cloth diaper all day long! It was dry when it was put on in the morning and dry when we took it off for the night. He went pee-pee in his little potty every two hours like a big boy. We were so proud. Of course he's not potty trained, but it was a good day.