Sunday, June 26, 2011


The new member of our family came to us scared, hungry and a little beat up. His face is all healed up and his ear mites and fleas are gone. He's litter box trained and loves our family. Anytime we take him out in the backyard for a "treat" he paws at our legs trying to get back in our arms and back in the house. His time living "on the streets" must've been pretty traumatic. Since we adopted him the first weekend in June, and had seen him around the neighborhood for a week or two before that, we assume that some one brought him home from the Pet store for Easter and then abandoned him. He's very tame and cuddly.

In these first two pictures you can see the fur missing on his face. Poor bun-bun. It's all grown back now, looks like "the nothing never was".

The first 2 or 3 days we had him, he lived in our bathroom. Coincidentally, a few days after this we checked out a library book all about rabbits, it said that when you first bring your rabbit home, it's best to keep him in a bathroom or laundry room. That's so that he can get used to the people in the house without having to have them in his face. Now he has a nice big cage with a litter box, food, water, and lots of hay. Mostly, he runs around the house during the day though.

Dorian likes to feed PolkaDot. Actually, we all like to feed him dandelions, carrots, clover, parsley, etc. He's a cute little muncher.

At first he and Moxie were both scared of each other. Now the rabbit likes to sniff and nudge the cat, but the cat only puts up with it for a limited time before she wants to go outside.

Can you spot Pokey among the toys? Sometimes he jumps in the toy box or in with the stuffed animals and really blends in.

Friday, June 17, 2011

New Bikes!

Mama got a new bike and attached the baby seat to it. Daddy borrowed a bike from Uncle Thomas. Tristan got a new trail-a-bike. And now we go on family bike riding adventures that are fast and sweaty.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Don't You Wish YOU Had a Little Brother?

Favorite Pictures from the Aquarium

Dorian loved the orange fish and wanted to see it close up!

...even though it meant lying on the glass floor in the middle of foot traffic. Luckily, no one stepped on him.

Dorian hugged a stone turtle...

Dorian hugged a stone dolphin...

Dorian hugged a shy stone turtle..

And Dorian hugged a brass turtle. He actually hugged some more, we just didn't get them all on camera.

Oh what fun it is to ride on a stone turtle in the aquarium!

The whole family took a ride on this turtle. You can hardly tell what it is we're sitting on!

Ah, wouldn't it be lovely if it were a real dolphin?


Fire on the beach... Mmmmm...

Giant Marshmallows... Mmmm...

Sand between your toes... Mmmm...

And a rake... hmmm...

Grandma and boys almost in silhouette, crashing waves, and a boat.

Grandpa and his boys cuddled in a coat. Daddy roasting marshmallows.

Randee and Thomas poking the fire with long pokers.

Tristan was explaining to me what these plastic forms were for when I walked up to him on the beach. Then he said in his cute little way, "Would you like a demonstration?"

Randee flies a kite.

Dorian digs into the fun with Tristan and the beach toys.

Eric flies a kite.

Fly, kite! Fly!

Some of the beach art from the night before survived the tides.

Grandma and Grandpa can still play.

The driveway is almost as much fun as the beach. Look at that perfect squat!