Saturday, October 6, 2012

Let's go to Hawaii

Dorian may not know what or where Hawaii is, but he repeated this many time per day the last 4 or 5 days of Daddy's trip. He was tired of missing Daddy!


Dorian has gone over 24 hours without "milky"! We kept putting it off because there was so much crying to deal with when we weaned big brother several years ago. "After he's potty trained", then "after Pioneer School" and "after Daddy gets back from Hawaii" were reasons we kept putting it off. Then all those things were done and so we banded together (the 3 of us) on our stance that there is no more milky. Dorian didn't cry at all. He hit, kicked, pushed and yelled for about 5 minutes, then went to sleep. This morning he asked again and I said no. He said, "OK". And we're done.

If I'd known he would handle it so well, I would've done it earlier... at the same time as potty training. :) Oh well. Now we're done with both! Done with babies. Only big boys at our house now.

These last four pictures are from the Fair! Dorian was tall enough for most of the rides in the kid area. They had so much fun on the rides and at the Pirate show. And of course, Tristan loves cotton candy, but even he wasn't prepared for a Fair-size portion!