Thursday, June 24, 2010

Potty Time

When I was potty-training Tristan I read a fabulous book called "Diaper Free Before Three". I didn't read it until I was so frustrated with the methods I'd read in the two other books I had that I was about ready to give up. Tristan was trained completely within a month of my reading that book, however, I followed the instructions for late starters since he was almost 3. So, now that I have a "do-over" so to speak. I decided to go for it much earlier this time. Not because I think Dorian will be potty-trained in a month, but hopefully with less trouble this time. One of the things the author said that made so much sense to me was something like this: We don't give a baby a bottle or breast for the first 2 years of his or her life and then one day sit him or her at the big table with an adult's meal and expect the child to figure out how to eat like we do. No, we gradually introduce solids a little at a time, increasing amount and consistency until they are finally able to eat like we do. It's a learning process and so is everything else in a child's life. So why do we diaper our babies and then suddenly when they're 2 and just learning that they have control, try to make them use the toilet or potty chair. It ends up in huge battles of will.

And so, with that in mind and a lot of other great points in the book, I decided that before Dorian learns to crawl, I'm going to put him on the potty so that he gets used to the idea of sitting there before he's too distracted by his ability to move around. So, for a couple weeks now, I've been putting him on the potty seat first thing in the morning when he wakes up. It's our little routine or ritual. He pee-pees in the potty every day now, and twice he's pooped in there too. And I don't make a big deal out of it. He sees that Tristan goes in the big potty, and hopefully, gradually, he'll just see that it's a normal part of life and he won't throw fits about it at age 2 1/2. But, you never know, 2 1/2 year old children are pretty good at throwing fits about just about anything. ;)

He has that just-woke-up look on his face, doesn't he?


Astorga's said...

My sister just gave me a copy of that book. I'm really excited to start reading it. Way to go Dorian, sounds like he's off to a good start!

Brenda and Jay said...

Sounds like a great plan. Hope all goes well.