Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Share Bears

These boys get along really well. Dorian's finally old enough that he and Tristan can play a few games together and SHARE things.

And there are so many more cute things I could SHARE with you, but then it might get to be like a reality TV show which would not be cool. :) Oh that reminds me... Dorian says a few words now, but we haven't caught it on video yet. Coming soon, to a reality TV blog near you...


Penny Palmer said...

Now these are absolutely the cutest things ever! They need to be printed and on the wall.

Astorga's said...

2 peas in a pod those two! Very sweet!!

Can Our Family? said...

Yah! I hadn't thought of that. I should put them in a 5-pic frame just like they look here. :) Maybe I could even paint some pea pods on it in the corners or something.