Sunday, November 7, 2010

Boys with Hats

Hats are good for rainy service days.


Astorga's said...

I can't believe how much older Tristan is getting! He looks like such a little man here. The boys are too cute in the picture.

Can Our Family? said...

I know, I see him everyday, and I think the same thing! He's growing up right before my eyes.

tulip's family said...

your boys are so good looking! And yes, they are growing up too fast. I wish we could stop time sometimes and keep them small for just a little while longer...

Jabari and Mindy said...

They look just perfect for goin preaching in the rain! thank you for the pictures, its so nice to be able to see how our nephews are growing.

Anonymous said...

...we'd sort of 'lost' your blog and finally ran across it again--WOW they're getting big! Good to 'see you guys'...--your amigos in Tucson