Thursday, December 2, 2010

Daredevil Dorian

Dorian likes to climb up and jump off of the furniture now. The other day I saw him doing it, and although he thought it was very funny, I felt compelled to put pillows down in front of the chair. After seeing him flop on his belly, land on his face, hit and roll, laugh every time and keep climbing back up to do it again and again, I finally got the camera out. (The heavy breathing you hear in the video is a very excited and happy Dorian).

We had a bin in the kitchen to block Dorian from the cat's water dish because he would not stop playing in it. That worked for several weeks. Then one day, he figured out that he could climb over it... or better yet, climb up on it and see if there's anything to eat in the microwave. Yes, he's strong enough to open it!


Astorga's said...

Wow no fear! Talitha is a climber too with no fear. I'm afraid if I show her the video she will try jumping too.

Brenda and Jay said...

What Dorian doesn't think of Tristan probably will. Those boys will keep you busy.