Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig

It's nice to be home again. I wish home was closer to Oklahoma, but I do love home. The boys have settled nicely back into their routines. Dorian took a day to warm back up to Daddy, but all is well with them now. Our new minivan is great. We took everyone who met out in service in it yesterday.

Dorian is understanding a lot of language now. He responds to all sorts of things like, "Do you want to hold my hand?" and "Let's watch Thomas the Train" and "Do you want a bite?" He also brings you things that you ask for, like his shoes, the remote, Tristan's toy that he's not supposed to have, etc. Just a few minutes ago, gave him a hug and said, "Who smells like pee-pee?" and he got a big smile and started signing "stinky-stinky" proudly.

On the plane ride home, I got several compliments on how well behaved my kids are. (Nice to hear, but of course they don't see them all the time.) The comments were especially about how polite and gentlemanly Tristan is. I suppose his regularly being around people of all ages helps him with that. Kids seem crazier to adults when they're only around other kids all the time.

It's nice to be home. We missed the Dad one.


Unknown said...

im so happy you guys had a good trip home. you do have well behaved little men. I'm so glad to have met you and your little ones.

Unknown said...

Grandpa enjoys well-behaved children and it is nice to hear that Tristan can be a well-behaved child. Grandpa loves Tristan as well as Dorian who will become well-behaved when he reaches 5.

Amy said...

So happy you are home safe and sound. Really enjoyed the time we spent together. You're kids are great-of course they have their moments, who doesn't?! You are a terrific mom and the boys are fortunate to have you!!!

Can Our Family? said...

Thanks, Sarah! You're so sweet. We're glad to have met you too!

Tristan and Dorian love Grandpa and Grandma too. Look forward to seeing you in a couple weeks.

Aww, thanks Amy. It was so nice to stay with you and your family. You guys are awesome! We have a lot in common. (Especially the "awesome" part). :)

Astorga's said...

I love all the pictures. Looks like you all had so much fun! When we get back from Texas next month I'd love to come visit you and the boys, I miss you all very much!

Can Our Family? said...

I was just thinking about you and wondering why it had been 5 weeks since you last posted to your blog. :) I look forward to seeing you.