Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tristan's baby talk

Some of you may remember this video. I emailed it out to family back before I was a blogger. This video of Tristan was taken 5 days before he turned 1 year old.

Tristan at 18 months could say countless words and small sentences. Our second child has many gifts, but is very different and is now almost 18 months and only says a few words. Dorian is more athletic and daring than Tristan was at that age (or is even now, really). They're both great! It's very long, I won't be offended if you only watch a few minutes of it. I don't know how to edit video yet.

Some Wedding Pictures

I had the camera, then got called away and Tristan took over photographing. Eric took some pictures and video at the reception with his phone, but I don't have access to those right now. There was a professional photographer there, and when I get some copies of those pictures, I'll be happy to post some.

I don't know what they were laughing about, but they look so happy, eh?

Tristan, his cousins Tyler and Schyler, his uncle Aaron, and Grandma's stand-in mother, Betty (the matchmaker).

Uncle Alex walking through.

Tristan took a picture of his cute little flower girl cousin Schyler.

This is Denver, Schyler's dad. Apparently we didn't get a picture of my new sister, Sarah. However, I'm sure we will when we get copies of the real wedding pictures.

Tristan took this one, you can tell from the angle.

Dorian Learns Quickly

Dorian had never played with this toy before. We got it out and showed him how to do it and then he tried and tried for about 15-20 minutes, then he was a pro. So I just had to catch it on video. This is from March 11th. (Blogger doesn't allow me to upload videos directly anymore, so I have to go create them in youtube now. That's why there haven't been any videos for a while).

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Been Meaning to...

I've been meaning to post, but have been busy. I've even taken pictures with posting them in mind. We just flew back home last night from a weekend out of state for my Mom's wedding! Tristan was an adorable and very professional ring bearer. I don't have many wedding pictures because we were all in the wedding. I will post some pictures soon.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Baby Goes In...


He'll make it in... just give him a chance!

The Great Room Swapping of 2011

After getting fed up with cleaning up toy messes in the living room countless times per day, I removed all toys (except Tristan's Legos) to the boys bedroom last week. Then anytime they wanted to play, I would tell them to go play in their room. So, for 3 days I didn't have to clean up any toy messes in the living room and it was heavenly! But then every time I would go into the boys room I would feel sad for them because their room is so small, and they seemed crammed in there. Meanwhile, our very large bedroom was home to our bed and clothes and not really used during the day. Light Bulb! So, Saturday, I swapped rooms with them. And throughout the week this week I have been finishing up odds and ends. Today, we finally got Tristan's Legos into their new bedroom. It is so awesome to have an adult-looking living room. It is so awesome to see them playing together and separately in their room. They make huge messes in there and there is still room for them to play and make more messes. And it cleans up quickly, just once a day (or even every other day) while the rest of the house stays clean! I'm really very happy about this. And so are the boys.

This was the first night of the swap, and Tristan was already happily playing in there.

The room is really a lot bigger than it looks. Especially if you are as short as a kid. There's a whole little reading nook at the foot of the bed. You can see the bookshelf in this picture but you can't see the space in front of it.

We even swapped the bedroom doors so that the cute Animal Welcome painting is on the boys room door. We took our clothes out of the dresser and put toys in it instead. As you can see, Tristan covered it with stickers so that there would be no mistake that the drawers have toys in them now.

Our new little room is working fabulously, even if the bed fills up almost the whole floor space.

See! No toys in the living room! Isn't it great?

After Service Lunch

The boys looked so cute in their black-n-white with red ties and socks sitting there eating their lunch. It helped that they were both really good in service and we had a nice morning together. Your kids are always a little cuter when they're being really good. :)