Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Some Wedding Pictures

I had the camera, then got called away and Tristan took over photographing. Eric took some pictures and video at the reception with his phone, but I don't have access to those right now. There was a professional photographer there, and when I get some copies of those pictures, I'll be happy to post some.

I don't know what they were laughing about, but they look so happy, eh?

Tristan, his cousins Tyler and Schyler, his uncle Aaron, and Grandma's stand-in mother, Betty (the matchmaker).

Uncle Alex walking through.

Tristan took a picture of his cute little flower girl cousin Schyler.

This is Denver, Schyler's dad. Apparently we didn't get a picture of my new sister, Sarah. However, I'm sure we will when we get copies of the real wedding pictures.

Tristan took this one, you can tell from the angle.

1 comment:

Astorga's said...

Your mom looks so happy!! I'm very happy for her!!