Friday, September 16, 2011

First School Lunch

Every other Friday Tristan goes to school for a longer day. He has to be there at 9am! On these special Fridays, Tristan gets to have lunch at the school with his class. Today was the first school lunch. It consisted of tomato soup, grilled cheese, various fruits, vegetables, crackers, and milk or water. Tristan ate all of his food excepting the tomato soup. There were three moms that came to assist the teacher with organizing the children during lunch. They helped with putting straws in juice pouches, opening milk cartons, and reminding children to eat and not just screw around.

Now, there was a situation involving milk. Tristan was the last kid in line. He wanted to have chocolate milk like all the other kids. However, his mom reminded him that cow milk makes his stomach hurt. He was sad. Fortunately his classmate, Darius, was not drinking milk, so they enjoyed water instead.

Mimi tried to score a 3-point shot with her juice box into the garbage can. It bounced away and hit a 3rd grader in the back.

Of the 19-20 children in the class, seven brought their own lunch, while the rest ate the school's fare. The principle came in to inquire about their first school lunch. It was casual Friday so he had jeans and a shirt and looked like a big kid.

Dorian stayed home with me during this affair. I was trying to work, but mostly I was crawling around on the floor playing with him until she got home.

Written by Eric.

Friday, September 2, 2011

First Day of School

Tristan had his first day of school yesterday. He cried a little when it was time to say Goodbye to the parents. I looked back and saw him composing himself after I left the room. Then I cried all the way down the hall to the exit. Dorian was a brat, so I'm glad she wasn't letting us stay the whole day. :)

His teacher is super nice and very smart. When we came to pick Tristan up after school he was talking a mile a minute about how great school was! He made a friend named Nolan. They got to draw and tell the whole class about their drawing. They had recess and snack time. They learned the rules of the playground. And they learned a song.

This picture was taken when we were picking him up after school.