Friday, September 2, 2011

First Day of School

Tristan had his first day of school yesterday. He cried a little when it was time to say Goodbye to the parents. I looked back and saw him composing himself after I left the room. Then I cried all the way down the hall to the exit. Dorian was a brat, so I'm glad she wasn't letting us stay the whole day. :)

His teacher is super nice and very smart. When we came to pick Tristan up after school he was talking a mile a minute about how great school was! He made a friend named Nolan. They got to draw and tell the whole class about their drawing. They had recess and snack time. They learned the rules of the playground. And they learned a song.

This picture was taken when we were picking him up after school.


Brenda and Jay said...

Grandma and Grandpa are very proud of their grandson Tristan. We have been waiting "Patiently" for this post. It is a very special life moment. Don't be too hard on Dorian he is about to start the "terrible two's" Congratulations to your little family.

Can Our Family? said...
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Astorga's said...

Yaay Tristan!! What a big boy now. I've got news to tell you... I'll give you a call today!