Monday, August 29, 2011

Cute Bun-Bun and an Update

Eric and the bunny are so snuggly together.

In other news... Tristan is starting school! His first day of Kindergarten is this Thursday! He is going to go to Marvista Elementary. I start regular pioneering the same day. My schedule is going out while Tristan is at school for half-day Kindergarten and then 5 hours on the weekend, which I already do most weekends. It's always up for revision though, if it doesn't seem to work out. We've been really busy getting ready for school and working on lots of projects. Our new Kingdom Hall is about finished up now too. We should be moving into it next week! Lot's of changes around here for us.


Brenda and Jay said...

Pokadot is a little bigger than Mary Hamster. Eric has the same look on his face as he did with her. You should have seen him when she had 11 babies. Looking forward to Tristan's school pics and stories. Carpadieum (sp)

Astorga's said...

Congratulations! I am inspired by you pioneering this year!! I am sure Tristan is going to be light years ahead of his class. He is such a bright boy.

Sara said...

It's great that you're able to start serving as a regular pioneer. Good news indeed! Keep up the good work.

Stephen said...

That all sounds so exciting. Congratulations on pioneering-that's really terrific! Tati started Pre-K a few weeks ago and she LOVES it. She has the same teacher Peyton had. I skipped Kindergarten and started homeschooling Peyton in 1st grade. I am reg aux pioneering too so we're still working on figuring out how and where to fit school into the mix, but I think it will all come together with Jeh's support. We miss you guys! Stay busy in Jehovah's service-we hope to see you again!