Sunday, January 15, 2012

Indiana Jones the new Rabbit

The morning after our Rabbit, Polkadot, aka Bun-Bun was buried in the backyard, Tristan woke up and immediately put on his coat and shoes. I asked where he was going. He said sadly, "To Bun-Bun's grave". So I quickly got my coat and shoes and went with him. At the grave he sat down and started crying. He said, "Mom, I just don't think I can live without a rabbit". So, after discussing it with Daddy, we got on craigslist and found lots of free rabbits. I said, "How about this cute black one?" "Oh, he's so cute," he replied. "What about this pretty gray one?" I asked. "That's a nice looking rabbit," he answered. Then we saw the ad for a 4 y/o male, neutered rabbit. When we clicked on it, Tristan immediately said, "I want that one! He looks just like Bun-Bun!" I wasn't so sure it was a good idea to get a rabbit that looked so much like our beloved, now dead, rabbit. But he insisted and we decided they looked enough different that it was OK. We drove to Bothel to pick him up. His name is Indiana Jones, he came with his name, and supposedly likes Indy for short. So, we've been calling him Indy.

Indy is slightly obese. He is very lazy and docile. He lets Tristan pick him up and hold him as much as he wants to, which Tristan loves. He's getting used to being fed veggies, but seems to prefer pellets. (Rabbits are only supposed to have 1/4 - 1/2 cup of pellets per day. He seems a little put out by that fact). He plays with toys more than Polkadot did. He's less curious, less energetic, and less destructive than Polkadot was. He lets us trim his nails and hold him longer, but he doesn't lick us when he's happy like Polkadot did. And he's not as well potty-trained. Polkadot only went in his litter box. Indy goes everywhere in his cage and it is a big hassle to clean up. To try training him to use his litter box, yesterday, I blocked off half of his cage with cardboard, so that only his litter box, food dishes and a small path to each are left. You guessed it, he filled the small path with poop and pee. He's going in the litter box too, but not exclusively yet. At least he doesn't go all over the house!

From the description you may have guessed that Tristan and Dorian are very happy with the new rabbit. He's very soft. Here are some pictures of him playing ball.


Brenda and Jay said...

Very cute. Welcome to the family Indy. So I think the mark by his nose looks like a rabbit profile. I see ears head body back legs and if I really use my imagination a little bump of a tail. We will look forward to meeting him. Does he like dogs?

Shannon Woods said...

I think that is the cutest bunny I've ever seen. Not to mention how cute is your kid!!! Like the Bunny name. Something original :)