Friday, June 8, 2012

Faces and Rabbit

Dorian is at the age when every time he sees the camera he stops whatever cute thing he's doing and smiles at the camera. Tristan is at the age when every time he sees a camera he makes a weird face. (I remember when my older brother went through that phase. That was back when you had to buy film and then pay to develop it. My dad would get upset about Alex "ruining" all our pictures with the weird faces he would make).


Jabari and Mindy said...

That is a big rabbit! And those are some cute boys :). I told the "P" in the potty story at work today - entertaining for all :) congratulations Tristan on graduating from Kindergarden!!
Love and hugs from your aunt and uncle in sunny South Africa :-)

Astorga's said...

Oh my, those kind of silly faces are all I seem to get from Talitha now when she is posing for pictures. The boys are getting so big! Miss you all!!