Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Accesories and Construction

First of all, some cute pictures... I was having an issue getting the pictures from my phone to my computer, so I haven't been posting much. That has been corrected now.

Pirate Dorian. Dorian loves to dress up with different hats.
Tristan loves glasses. He often borrows Daddy's old ones, but we didn't want him to mess up his eyes, so we got him some fake glasses at the dollar store. He wore them all the time until he lost one of the screws.

Tristan is an excellent reader, and an excellent big brother. He reads a portion of the family Bible reading every night. He even read a scripture while sitting in on one of my Bible Studies last week.
As Dorian says it, this is "Daddy Angwy Biwd" and "Dowian Angwy Biwd"

I took several pictures of Eric cuddling the bunny when Dorian decided he wanted to be in the picture.

Eric and I built a roof over our back porch over the last two weekends. Tristan and Dorian helped a little, by holding the end of the tape measure and handing us nails and screws. I guess I haven't taken a picture of the final product yet.
Dorian loves the tape measure.

He's pretty good at it.

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