Wednesday, March 11, 2009


The title comes from a very short-lived TV show called Greg the Bunny that was on for one season in 2002 starring Seth Green and a bunch of dysfunctional puppets. (Side note for anyone that's interested).

The real reason for the Aight-Blaah is my belly. Yesterday was the worst day for nausea and general yuckiness. Today was not much better, but slightly. At least today I was able to shower and leave the house for a Bible study and a trip to the Library. Yesterday, I laid on the couch all day, not eating. Then at 2PM I called my friend Marnie to ask her to get me an orange and a cucumber from the store. She brought them over at 3PM. I devoured the orange and started feeling better. Better enough to eat some other food. And better enough to get up and do the dishes, make the beds, separate and run laundry, and direct Tristan to clean the living room. So there was a 2 hour burst of activity and then back to the couch. Then after Eric got home I got up to make dinner, and then stayed busy playing with Tristan until bedtime... but I was really forcing myself.

I woke up at 6 AM today sore. Sore from laying around too much. I got up and ate another orange (Marnie gave me 2) and then did exercises for a half hour. Then I went back to sleep on the living room floor for 2 hours. I felt much better after that.

Little wonder that Tristan cried as Daddy was leaving for work this morning, "Daddy, I want to go with you!" Daddy said, "Sorry, Tristan, I have to go to work." Then Tristan cried more, "I don't want you to go! I want you to stay home!" I said, "I'll be here with you." Tristan said, "But Daddy plays with me." So I asked him, "Who played dominoes and Blokus and blocks and other blocks and puzzles and other blocks and Legos and danced with you last night?" He got a big smile on his face and said, "Mama!" and pointed at me. Then he said, "Do you want to play Legos?" Ahhh! He is so stinkin' cute!

Tristan has been sleeping in his own bed since February 9th. There has been very little complaining from him. He likes to crawl into bed with us around 6 AM most mornings. I remember crawling into bed with my parents every morning even when I was 5 or 6. At least Eric is getting better sleep now... not getting kicked all night.

P.S. The picture at the top is a kumquat... that's how big LK is right now at 10 weeks along.

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