Friday, March 20, 2009

Differences - Everybody's different

People always say, "Every pregnancy is different just like every person is different". Until now, I had only ever been pregnant once, and I couldn't understand how that could possibly be true. I mean there are billions of people... and all pregnancies consist of growing a baby in the womb until it's ready to come out. How different could they be?!

Here are some differences between my pregnancy now and the one I had 4 years ago:
First of all, with Tristan, I was sick and throwing up at least 3 times a week from week 5 until week 18. This time I didn't feel sick at all until week 7 and have only thrown up once, in week 11. The sickness is milder this time, and I'm grateful.
Secondly, when I was pregnant with Tristan, eating made me feel sick and nothing made the sickness go away, believe me I tried any and everything anyone suggested. This time, NOT eating makes me feel sick, so if I start feeling sick, I just eat and it goes away until I get hungry again.
Thirdly, with Tristan, I never had any food cravings. None. This time I have craved all sorts of things. I even sent Eric to the store in the snow to buy me a watermelon (just like the couple in Lady and the Tramp)! I've craved green olives, oranges, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, watermelon, Taco Bell tacos, Cafe Bella's panini, asparagus, mayonaise, egg sandwiches, BLT's, Reuben Sandwiches, Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, yams... and these are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head! Cravings are strange. It's not like when you're not pregnant and you're in the mood for pizza or something like that. No, it's more like all of the sudden being obsessed with a certain kind of food and nothing else will satisfy you and it makes you feel agitated until you get what you want. I haven't been able to satisfy all of them, unfortunately, but they fade with time.

Otherwise, the differences are in lifestyle situation. I'm not working full time outside the home this time. But my full time inside the home jobs are falling behind. Similar to last time, work suffers in the first trimester. Also similar to last time, the first trimester is full of naps and going to bed early.

Today is the first day of week 12. We're almost done with the first trimester! It's going by a lot faster this time. Although the older you get the faster time flies. An old friend of mine says he's up to eating breakfast every 15 minutes. :) By the end of this week, our LK will be as big as a lime! Growing and growing in there.

Oh, I thought of another difference! By this time in our pregnancy with Tristan we had his name picked out. Tristan Pascal for a boy and Madeline Amalie for a girl, and they never changed. This time we still have a super long list for boys names. We have a girl's name picked out, but have a list of middle names to go with it. We'll probably wait until we find out the sex this time to bother narrowing it down.

The next doctor's appointment is on Tuesday and we'll have an ultrasound, so maybe I'll be able to post some pictures of LK next time.

1 comment:

Brenda and Jay said...

Hi E,T & T,
Thanks for the update. Sounds like things are going well. We will look forward to each and every comment you post. Lots of love, Brenda