Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dorian on the Big Screen

pregnancy due date
This week, there was another ultrasound and a doctor's appointment. They had found something "borderline abnormal" in the last ultrasound and so scheduled another one to check on said something. This time, they not only found nothing abnormal, but Dorian is the picture of health. They told me that he's big though. My doctor says that you have to take their size predictions with a grain of salt because they're basing it on body measurements compared to an average at this gestational age. Different babies have growth spurts at different times. I guess that's like looking at two 3-year-old's and saying how tall and heavy they will be as adults. Anyway, he's in the upper 80's percentile on his measurements, and they think he's almost 2 pounds already! My doctor also told me that I weighed the exact same amount on this visit in my pregnancy with Tristan as this time.
In the ultrasound, I was able to see that Dorian's little lips are already developed. And I was able to see what I already feel many times per day: He's an active little bugger! The placenta is on the back wall of the uterus. The ultrasound technician said that it's like a mattress for him when I'm lying on my back. I was thinking it must be more like a trampoline! People always say that you just notice the movements more when you're sitting or lying down... I notice them when I'm standing up too. The uterus gets stretched out with the first baby and expands more easily with the second one, so that could be why he seems so much more active than Tristan was... he just has more room to move around and explore.


Brenda and Jay said...

Jay and I just love the updates. Sounds like Dorian is quite the little guy already.

Astorga's said...

Yaaay! I'm very happy to hear Dorian is healthy and happy swimming around in there. Congratulations on the good news!