Thursday, July 2, 2009

The End of The Second Trimester

pregnancy calendar
The baby's eyes have now opened and he can see his environment in the womb with enough light. He can tell the difference between darkness and light. It's nice that I'm pregnant in the summer so that there is a difference between darkness and light; the winter in Seattle wouldn't be much fun for newly opened fetus eyes.

We're planning the baby shower for the last Saturday of August. So, if you read this blog, you're invited and can mark your calendar for August (29th? I think). I'm trying to call around and get addresses for people who are not in my immediate area. My friend Chrissy will probably get all the addresses for close by people. If you read this blog though, you get a nice head's up before the invitation comes. I'll post more information as I know more. We're still not settled on location and time, but we're getting there.

My friend, Marnie, gave us a baby carseat for Dorian. Tristan asked me whose carseat it was. I said that it was for baby Dorian. Tristan got an excited look on his face and he asked, "Is the baby coming out?!" And I said, "No, no, not yet."

At the meeting last week, Tristan heard a baby cry during the meeting. And he whispered to me, "Mama, somebody's baby came out!"

He's excitedly looking forward to his baby brother coming out. I hope he stays happy about him after he's born.

1 comment:

Brenda and Jay said...

We put the baby shower on our calendar. Sounds like fun. We are all so excited. I was glad Dorian moved for me. I got a bump too.