Sunday, July 12, 2009

27.5 Weeks Down; 12.5 Weeks To Go

Everyone always asks how I feel. It's kind of difficult to have that question presented to you over and over again. It starts making me wonder. Am I supposed to be groveling in a miserable mire right now? Am I supposed to be glowing with superb radiance in a happy bliss? I'm just fine. Everything is fine as usual. Things that aren't fine and things that are great exist in my life now as much as they do when I'm not pregnant. But all's well. I'm kind of in a holding pattern right now. I've been pregnant a while and I'm going to be pregnant a while yet. Not much to report.

Tristan is getting used to getting kicked in the ribs every time he sits on my lap for a good snuggle. Sometimes it makes him laugh. Speaking of which, the baby tickled me a few days ago with his kicks. I tried to move so that his kicks would be shifted to a new location, but he got a few more jabs into my tickle center before he left.

This morning I felt the shape of a foot. I put my fingertips on it and it moved across my belly giving my fingers a little ride like a mini-surfer. It felt pretty neat.

1 comment:

Brenda and Jay said...

Maybe some people are just finding out you are expecting. The questions can be a bore and advice is even worse. Just comes with the territory. Hang in there. We all love you.