Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hot Mama

Well, we're having a heat wave up here in the Pacific Northwest. In general, it hasn't been too bad for me, but today was exceptionally hot. Today, I purchased a maternity bathing suit. We've been finding out that there are a lot more places to swim around here than I previously thought, now that it's hot enough that freezing water isn't an issue. And I was tired of just getting in up to my knees while Tristan got to have all the fun. :)

I forgot to post a picture of the belly at the beginning of July. I will post one next weekend at the beginning of August. For those of you who haven't seen me since the last picture I posted at the beginning of June... it will probably seem like I've suddenly gotten huge. It's not me though, honest, it's that baby growing in my belly! :) (Oh and "the counterweight" growing around back so that I don't tip over).

Now I'm in the 30th week. So, how do I feel? That question that you all want to know but are scared to ask now that I said it was annoying 2 weeks ago... (I was just being a hormonal pregnant lady that is annoyed tremendously temporarily and is then over it and wondering why everyone has that look on their face). Well, I feel PREGNANT. I'm at a point now where I can't forget that I'm pregnant anymore. I don't fit sideways through small spaces. Sleeping shouldn't be this tough when I'm this tired. My doctor wants me to take iron twice a day, and I haven't purchased it yet because I'm not excited about its uncomfortable side effects. (I had to take it when I was pregnant with Tristan too). I'm hungry all the time, but I get full just when I'm beginning to enjoy my meal. I'm thirsty all the time and I have to pee about every 1.5 hours. Sometimes I pee and then 10 minutes later I feel like I haven't gone all day. It's worse right after the baby does his aerobics. I'm fat all over. It's hot. Despite all these complaints, I'm happy. Really, I'm generally in a good mood. I think it has a lot to do with my mom being here to help me get things done. And a lot to do with the window air conditioner in my kitchen. :)

Baby Dorian gets the hiccups regularly now, just like Tristan did in the womb. I read that it's from their practice breathing exercises, wherein they "breathe" the amniotic fluid to work out their lungs.Here's a picture of what the baby looks like at 30 weeks. They forgot to illustrate the huge pregnancy butt in back, this woman would totally tip over. :) Remember that Dorian's placenta is on the back wall though, so imagine the uterus mirrored. That's why we can always see and feel the punches and kicks, because those long limbs are facing out instead of back like this picture. Sometimes he faces his placenta though, and then I can feel his little butt sticking out. He favors my right side and my belly often appears very lopsided.

Tristan knows all sorts of things about pregnancy and birth and new born babies now. And he feels quite free to share his knowledge with others (yes sometimes strangers in the supermarket) which makes for some surprised people sometimes. I'm quite proud of him though. Fortunately, we haven't been graphic with any of our explanations. I think people are usually just surprised that some one so young can explain something so complex in such simple and accurate terms with such a big cute grin on his face.

1 comment:

Brenda and Jay said...

It is always a pleasure to read the updates. Jay and I printed the Target list and looked over the things you have on it. Cute! Glad you are staying cool. Summer is such fun. There are a few pregnant bellys in our park. It make me think of you. Love to all.