Friday, October 23, 2009

2 weeks old already?!

Hello. Time goes by fast, even when the baby wakes up every 2 hours around the clock for diapers and feedings. (At Dorian's 2 wk well child visit today, he weighed 8 lbs! I was expecting him to be back up to his birth weight and maybe a little over, but not 8 lbs!)

Little Dorian is very mellow and good natured and sleeps a lot... very similar to Tristan as a baby. He also looks a lot like Tristan did as a baby. If they weren't 4 years apart, people would probably ask if they were twins.

All the pictures we took in the hospital are on our phones, but I'll upload some photos from our camera from the last 2 weeks since we've been home.

Oh, and here's a quick version of how the birth went: I had early labor for 9 hours, the kind where you know the contractions are about 5 minutes apart, but you can still talk and walk and joke around. Then in 2 hours everything else happened and we almost didn't make it to the labor and delivery room. We arrived in the L/D room at 3:30 AM and Dorian was born at 3:37 AM. It happened so fast, it was really scary and intense. And then he was out and I was so surprised! Then the nurse told us that we had to sign a "consent to care" form... we all chuckled.

Cute little baby:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dilated Rumors

Apparently, if you do anything out of the ordinary when it's close to your due date a big rumor will circulate that you've gone into labor. We went to a different KH on Sunday to hear a friend speak. When we got home, we had 2 phone calls and one text message asking if we'd had the baby. Then the next day people stopped by to see the baby. Very strange (not the rumor, the stopping by part).

Saturday night I did start having regular contractions around midnight, but they slowed down got further apart and essentially stopped by 9 AM. I had texted my mom at 5 AM to ask her to come over whenever she got up and ready. Apparently, she conveyed that to her roommate, Julie, who went to the meeting Sunday morning and told 2 or 3 people something about it which is what turned into the rumor that I'd gone into labor.

Eric and I went to my doctor's appointment late Monday afternoon. I was 3 cm dilated. I said to the doctor, "Oh, ok, a centimeter a week, at this rate he'll be born in 7 weeks!" She laughed and shook her head and said, "Nooooo." Then she said that she'd be on call Tuesday, "so tomorrow would be a good day to have him." And she also said that she thinks it will be sometime this week. Oh well. I'M NOT EVEN DUE TILL THURSDAY! Tristan was a week late... maybe my body just takes longer than "average" to build-a-baby. He'll come out eventually. If he does come out on our anniversary, that would be one less date for Eric to remember. (He gets Tristan's birthday and our anniversary mixed up a lot, and this date will be close by the other two).

In other news, Dorian can't move around as much now. He still moves as often, but I can tell he's cramped for space in there. His movements are not as powerful. I've been nauseous a lot. I didn't get that way at the end of my pregnancy with Tristan; I don't know what the difference is. I threw up my whole breakfast this morning. I've been tired a lot the last several days, doing a lot of napping and sitting around. I think that means I'm almost done.
pregnancy calendar

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Nooooo, Baby's Not Out Yet

Hello everybody. The baby did not come out on Friday, or Saturday, or yet today either. I misunderstood what Eric said last week about Friday anyway. He said he wanted the baby to wait until Friday to come out, not "a" Friday. So he says it's fine with him for the baby to come out any time now. He finished the big project he was trying to finish before the baby was born. Whew! :)

Here's a picture of what the baby looks like in the belly at this point in pregnancy:Not much room left for my guts. Will keep you posted.