Friday, October 23, 2009

2 weeks old already?!

Hello. Time goes by fast, even when the baby wakes up every 2 hours around the clock for diapers and feedings. (At Dorian's 2 wk well child visit today, he weighed 8 lbs! I was expecting him to be back up to his birth weight and maybe a little over, but not 8 lbs!)

Little Dorian is very mellow and good natured and sleeps a lot... very similar to Tristan as a baby. He also looks a lot like Tristan did as a baby. If they weren't 4 years apart, people would probably ask if they were twins.

All the pictures we took in the hospital are on our phones, but I'll upload some photos from our camera from the last 2 weeks since we've been home.

Oh, and here's a quick version of how the birth went: I had early labor for 9 hours, the kind where you know the contractions are about 5 minutes apart, but you can still talk and walk and joke around. Then in 2 hours everything else happened and we almost didn't make it to the labor and delivery room. We arrived in the L/D room at 3:30 AM and Dorian was born at 3:37 AM. It happened so fast, it was really scary and intense. And then he was out and I was so surprised! Then the nurse told us that we had to sign a "consent to care" form... we all chuckled.

Cute little baby:


Astorga's said...

Ooooh! So Sweet!! More Pictures! More Pictures! I'm so sad I have the sniffles, what bad timing. I can't wait to meet him, and I can hardly believe it's been 2 weeks!

Astorga's said...

Uh, and I see he's wearing his sheep sack! So cute!!

Anonymous said...

He so cute! Congrats!! I've enjoyed getting to show the family pics of your newest addition that your mom has texted to me.

Take care. Love ya lots.


Can Our Family? said...

Yes, I love the sheepy sleep sack. It's very soft. :) I hope you guys get better soon so you can come visit us! :)

Thanks Angie. I'm glad Mom's keeping you informed. So, when are you coming back for a visit? ;)

Amy said...

FINALLY-I've been ever-so-impatiently waiting for a picture!!!! He is adorable, btw! He does look like Tristan too. SOOO SOOO SOOO sweet-VERY happy for you!