Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Our Little Garden

The neighbor kid and his cousin were very interested in what I was doing when I was first digging up the area for the garden and putting in the concrete blocks around the edge and dumping in the compost. One of them said, "That's a pretty small garden". I told him that I have 2 kids and that a friend was over watching them so that I could do this part and I don't have time for a bigger garden because I said, "gardens are a lot of work". The 9 year old replied, "Yah, so are kids". That's right!


Penny Palmer said...

Can you believe how great "my" garden is doing? And we already ate tons of stuff out of it too!!

Astorga's said...

your garden is beautiful! I hope to have some planter boxes next year on our patio up stairs. we'll see how that goes.