Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Whole Month!

It's been over a month since I've posted anything. I'm very sorry about that, but life has been busy. Since my last post, the boys had their first camping trip, Grandma Penny moved back to Oklahoma, Dorian took his first 6 steps and got several teeth, and Tristan had a burst in interest in literacy. I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Last story time with Grandmama. (For awhile, anyway).

Their first sword fight. Aww, isn't that sweet!

An example of Tristan's practice writing.

I took this picture secretly from the kitchen. They were so cute in there watching TV.


Amy said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this pic!

Penny Palmer said...

This is so cute. You will treasure these moments forever.

Can Our Family? said...

I love when I peek in to check on them and they're playing nicely together or being sweet like that. I'm glad that I've got some of those moments documented. :)