Wednesday, September 15, 2010

He Walked!

So, last time I posted I mentioned that Dorian took his first unassisted steps. But I had to trick him into that, holding my hands just out of reach until he finally reached me and collapsed, with big sighs, into me like he'd been scared to death! Then a week and a half ago, we tried to get him to walk at Eric's parents house. He took maybe 2 or 3 steps. All of those instances, Eric calls "falling steps". That is because basically, Dorian continues stepping even tho he's in the process of falling all the way.
Today, I was sitting on the couch, minding my own business, and OF HIS OWN FREE WILL, Dorian took 3 steps to me from leaning his back on the ottoman to grabbing onto my knee! I was so excited.
Shirley came over with her brother, mother, and another friend. Tristan also had a friend over. So there were a lot of people in the living room. Dorian was in his favorite spot, standing with his back against the ottoman. Then across all the people in the room he noticed his current favorite person (me) and decided to go to her (me). He started walking, and I dropped to my knees and exclaimed. He walked all the way across the room to me! He was so proud of himself. He was grinning with his lopsided 6-tooth smile. (He has 3 teeth on top and 3 on bottom, both center fronts and then one extra one on the right side on both top and bottom). Tristan and Colton both ran over and applauded. And Shirley said, "Oh, is that the first time he's walked? Wow."
Just a little piece of history.


sarah said...

He just had to have the right motivation - you and an audience!

Jabari and Mindy said...

what a milestone! he's gonna be an old pro at walking by the time we get to see, so thank you for sharing the moment :o)

Brenda and Jay said...

What a wonderful account of Dorian's first "walk". Thank you for sharing. We had a wonderful time with your family and look forward to our next visit. :)