Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Re: Happy Re:Union

Another happy reunion of family members near and far occurred this month for the union of Uncle Thomas and now Aunt Randee in marriage. We got to see old friends and new friends over breakfast and over late night wine (and whine - our little cans were very sleepy by the time the wedding was over). Here are a few pictures we have. Hopefully, we'll get access to some of the professional photos soon, and I can share a few then too.
I took 3 pictures here, in one Thomas was looking up and no one else was, in the other two Thomas was looking down. So, I took the best photo of everyone else and photoshopped Thomas looking up into it. It's not bad, you can hardly tell. :)
Mmmmm, good breakfast.
Here's everybody outside. Sharon took the picture.
Grandma and Dorian on the swing.
Grandpa and Tristan playing roll the ball.
Our nice friend Sharon with PolkaDot the bun-bun.
At the Rose Garden, Cousin Nick was doing the Samson in chains knocking down the pillars on the Philistines.
At the zoo, Cousin Chris and Tristan tried on turtle shells.
One-Two-Three-Whee almost had Tristan upside down! His smile was HUGE too.
I wonder what that blur could be that Chris and Dorian are smiling at so broadly.
Oh, yes, and there was a wedding! How could we forget? Dorian thought they'd hire him as a wedding singer, but since his song was "No, no, no" (his favorite word), he didn't make it through the auditions. Better luck next time bud.
The wedding was simple, beautiful, elegant... none of which can be told with these pictures taken on a phone, but that's all we've got at the moment. You'll have to stay tuned.
Dorian and Mama Tiff at the beginning of the reception.
The room decor with a blurry father-of-the-groom in the center. The back of the bride's sister, the profile of the bride's mother and the back of the bride standing behind them are off in the lower left of the picture. I think that's the only picture of the bride we got... the only one I could find. :S
And here is the very handsome, very happy Groom. Uncle Thomas.


Brenda and Jay said...

Wow! That was a busy week. Fun Fun Fun. Thank you for sharing:)

Brenda and Jay said...

We have the pics Mindy took. Jay will send them asap