Sunday, October 16, 2011

Face Plant

On September 19th, Dorian was happily playing outside when he had an unfortunate trip and fall incident. It left him looking like he'd tried to scrape his nose clean off. It has been almost a month, and it's all healed up finally,  but you can still see where it was. Here are two pictures. One from the day it happened and the other more recently. It was all scabbed up for 2 weeks. Dorian has inherited inability to stop picking at face spots from his father and grandmother, so it took a while for it to heal up. He kept picking his scabs and they'd bleed all over again. Really yucky.
The day the nose was almost removed.
Two cute boys in baseball suits.

In other news, Dorian is talking now. He can count 1-10 and says his ABC's, but has trouble with a couple. His favorite letters are O, P, Q and Y. He says those a lot. He calls Thomas the Tank Engine "Cankey" it sounds like Cranky without the "r". We're not sure if he's trying to say tank engine or what, but every time he sees Thomas he cries out Cankey! Cankey! He calls Shows "Woahs". He'll point at the TV and say Woah! Woah! He calls Tristan "Tin-tin". In the morning when he wakes up he says, "Hi Mom, Hi Tin-tin" and anytime we come home from being gone, he says "Daddy Boo!" when we pull in the driveway. Then when we get inside he looks for Daddy and when he finds him, he says Boo! and Daddy acts surprised. It's fun for the baby.


Brenda and Jay said...

That looks like a pretty big owie! So wonderful how we heal especially when we are young. Psalms 139:14

Astorga's said...

I love the picture of them together. The two cutest boys ever!! Poor Dorian that fall looks like it really hurt!