Friday, March 27, 2009

If You're Happy and You Know it Clap Your Hands

There was an ultrasound and doctor's appointment, both on Tuesday this week. Tristan and April came with me. Tristan did NOT like them putting jelly on my belly and rubbing the instrument around on it. However, when he saw the baby on the screen, he said, "Aww, look it's a sweet, cute little baby in my mom's belly!" Then after a few more minutes, it started looking like an alien because they were looking from the top view, and he started crying. So, April took him back to the waiting room where there were toys and books and they enjoyed themselves until I came out.

The ultrasound appointment was an hour long. The main purpose was to measure the fat on the back of the neck. That along with some blood tests are good indicators whether or not the baby has Down Syndrome. (The measurement looked normal). At the beginning of the appointment the baby was awake and was kicking its feet and clapping its hands and playing with its nose and mouth. We saw that s/he has all its fingers and toes and can be very active. (For any of you doubting that the baby was clapping - I know Tristan took a long time after he was born to be coordinated enough to actually clap his hands. What I meant was that the baby was waving its arms back and forth in front of itself and on the ultrasound screen of uber-fuzziness it looked like s/he was clapping).

After awhile the baby fell asleep, which made it easier for the tech to take measurements. S/he fell asleep with the legs frogged out, feet crossed at the ankles and one arm across the face. It was very, very cute.

They gave us some pictures, but none as cute or as clear as what was on the screen, so I'm not even going to post one. The ultrasound measurements said the due date should be Oct 9 instead of Oct 8, but how often does anyone have a baby on their "due date" really anyway? As long as it's not born on the 11th, I'll be happy. (Palmers know why).

I threw up twice this week, but seeing the little happy baby on that ultrasound screen makes it all worthwhile. :) So, we're done with 12 weeks, almost done with 3 months... it's going by really fast. Before we know it we'll have a crying, peeing, spitting up, adorable, soft, wonderment in our arms.


Astorga's said...

You forgot snotty, sneezy, burpy, poopy....

But you're right even with all that they are still adorable, soft, and wonderful!

Brenda and Jay said...

We are so happy for you. Glad the appointment went well.