Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tristan And Baby


I asked Tristan if he wanted the baby in my belly to be a boy or a girl. He said he wanted it to be a boy like him. I said, "Oh, so you want a brother, not a sister?" He said, "I want a brother AND a sister AND a baby". So apparently, he doesn't quite understand that the baby will be his brother or sister and that he can not have both nor all three!

Yesterday, I felt the baby move for about a minute or two straight. I hadn't felt that much activity with this little one before. It was when Tristan came to see why I wasn't out of bed yet and he was talking a lot. Today I noticed that when Tristan came and started talking to me the baby started moving too. The baby must already like his big brother. :)

I thought the baby-o-meter at the top of each post would be fun to see progress, but it automatically updates everyday... so anytime you look at the blog, they'll all say the same thing and they'll be current for the day you're looking at them instead of all being different.

1 comment:

Brenda and Jay said...

Tristan will figure it out soon enough. Most of us prefer one baby at a time. Great Grandma Joy loved twins. She used to sew matching outfits for any sets of twins in our congregation. Isn't it fun how Tristan's little mind works! I think a little girl would be really special. My reasons are a little different than Tristan's. :)