Friday, April 24, 2009

Appointments, Appointments

pregnancy week by week

We had a doctor's appointment this week. Eric and Tristan accompanied me to the visit. Eric distracted Tristan while my blood was being drawn (for the last time). We all smiled as we listened to our baby's heartbeat. Tristan told the doctor that his little sister is in his mama's belly. She said that boys usually want brothers. I explained to her that he has lots of friends that are boys and they always want to play with his toys, but girls always want to play with dolls. He's got that much figured out! Tristan also told our doctor that he doesn't ride in a car seat sometimes. She got an alarmed look on her face. We assured her that he's never ridden in a car without his car seat. Three-year-olds and the stories they make up!

Tristan likes to tell me that my belly is "out to here!" while he stretches one arm out and pats an invisible HUGE belly in front of himself. I keep telling him it is NOT, but that it will be. Yesterday, our friend Jennifer who is only 23 days away from her due date, came down to see us. When Eric got home from work he asked Tristan what Jennifer's belly looked like. He stretched out two arms and patted an invisible HUGE belly in front of himself and said, "Out to here!" Then Eric asked him if she walked funny (she didn't). And Tristan said "Yeah!" and he started walking around the room normally with both of his arms 'out to here'. It was pretty cute.

And yes, I have a round belly now. But it kind of looks like I've eaten too many doughnuts at this point. Or like a little boy belly that pushes the shirt out.

Something new that is happening during this pregnancy that didn't happen with Tristan... I'm waking up hungry in the middle of the night and can't fall back to sleep until I eat. Me want food!

We got our slip to make the ultrasound appointment sometime between May 8th and May 19th. I haven't made the appointment yet because I want Eric to be there and I'm not sure what day will work best for his work schedule right now. I don't want to have to call him up at work to tell him if it will be a boy or a girl though... I think that would be lame. I'll keep you posted... literally.


Astorga's said...

Hehehee, so I'm 'out to here' too, That's so cute!! Kids say the most adorable things! I hope that Tristan is right and it's a girl. We will have so much stuff to share with you.

Brenda and Jay said...

Thanks for the BELLY shots. So cute. Lots of love to all three of you.