Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bump Daddy

pregnancy due date
Last night (or this morning) at 3:00 AM when Eric was coming to bed after working late, our baby woke up and was moving around. Eric was reading and I was lying there with my hand on my belly. Then I realized that I was feeling it move on my hand too. So, I took Eric's hand and placed it on my belly. Then the baby gave him a big bump! He got a big grin on his face and said, "That was a nice big bump." So, that was the first time Eric got to feel our new little baby move. :)
(The baby-o-meter at the top is the one my friend Jennifer uses. It has more information about the baby's development than the car driving to the finish line).

1 comment:

Brenda and Jay said...

What a thrill to feel the little one. Love the baby-o-meter. There are some pink things at our house just in case LK is a grand-daughter. They will make a nice gift for someone else if LK is a grand-son.