Thursday, May 14, 2009

Can I Kick?

pregnancy calendar

Look! We're almost halfway there! 19 weeks down, 21 weeks to go!

This morning Tristan was able to feel the baby kick for the first time. He placed his hand on my stomach and he felt about 5 or 6 movements. Every time he felt one, he would raise his eyebrows and open his mouth with a little gasp. I kept saying, "Did you feel him kick? Did you feel him kick?" And Tristan kept nodding. Then he said, "Can I kick him back?" (I must have gotten quite a look on my face as I said "No, definitely not." Because his big boo-lip came out and he said it wasn't fair. So I had to explain to him that the baby is only the size of a banana and was not trying to kick him.)

1 comment:

Brenda and Jay said...

So now Tristan got to feel the baby move too. How special. Some of our close friends are very interested and excited about Tristan's little brother. Much love to the 4 of you.