Thursday, May 21, 2009

Half-time Boogie

We are officially halfway done with this pregnancy! Boogie Boogie!

As it turns out, if my record keeping was accurate for both pregnancies, I threw up the exact same number of times with this kid as I did with Tristan... which was a lot. Hopefully, like my pregnancy with Tristan, I am done with being sick now.

Tristan has come to terms with having a brother. Now the problem is that he wants to name him Knauer. So no matter what we try to call the baby, as we try out names we like, Tristan sternly tells us, "It's not that name, it's Knauer!" We told him that no one wants to be named Knauer Knauer, but he doesn't seem to care.

My good friend Roshae had her baby Tuesday morning, 4 days before her due date by emergency C-section. Tristan and I spent 6 hours with her in the hospital yesterday. Tristan showed me that he will be a fantastic big brother. He held the baby and fed him his first bottle (mom had been trying to nurse before). He was so gentle with him; he leaned down and kissed his forehead and kept repeating, "It's ok, you're ok." It was so adorable. And when I was holding the baby, Roshae asked Tristan to fetch a few things for her and he quickly ran over to comply. So helpful! He was also very friendly with all the nurses, telling them to look at his cool shirt with a fish on it that his Grandma Nana gave him. He told one nurse that his shoes were cool because they could do tricks. Then he showed her what they could do by jumping up and down and hopping on one leg.


Astorga's said...

I love all the Tristan stories! He makes me laugh every time!!

Brenda and Jay said...

I thought I left a comment but it must have gone out to cyberspace somewhere. It does sound like Tristan will be a wonderful "big" brother. We were amazed at how big Eric seemed when Mindy was born. They do grow so fast. I am looking forward to seeing Tristan's "Trick" shoes. :) Much Love Grandma Brenda