Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fire Drill - How Fitting!

Eric and I went to my Doctor's appointment together today. They announced a fire drill right when we got there and the fire department said that everyone had to walk down 5 flights of stairs. The receptionist looked at me and said, "You don't want to do the stairs, do you?" I said that I didn't mind, but that I'd like to use the bathroom first. Instead, she had Eric and I go into the examination room and wait until the fire drill was over. That was nice of her.

I told my doctor that I'd been having contractions everyday since Thursday and that last night they woke me up and were painful so I started timing them. I realized they weren't anything serious once I timed them so I went back to sleep. She said that another woman this week had a similar story and when she checked her, she was 5 cm dilated, so she walked her over to the hospital and broke her water and she had her baby that afternoon. (Eric got a worried look on his face at that point because of all the work he has left to do this week). So, I said, "Well, I won't be that dilated." She said, "Why can't you be optimistic?" I said that I didn't want to get my hopes up because it makes time take longer and that I'd been telling people it would be nice to have him on our anniversary, the 17th. So, she checked me. I was 2 cm dilated, but soft and stretchy. She said, "You're not going to have this baby on your anniversary, and I'll be surprised if you make it until your due date. But we'll see."

After the appointment I asked Eric if he was worried that we'd have the baby today when she told that story. He said, "Slightly, but it would be ok." Then he said it would be better if we had him on a Friday. :) So, let's hope for this Friday, 6 days early, or else next Friday, 1 day late.

My next appointment is on Monday next week. So as she left the room, I said, "See you Monday." And she said, "If not before."

Then when we came home, my mom and I put up all the ceiling insulation in the garage. It took us about 2 1/2 or 3 hours. She took a picture of me up on the ladder because she said we might not believe our own story later that I was working hard at 39 weeks pregnant. A friend is coming over tomorrow to hang the ceiling drywall for us. Then we can get our drywall inspection on Friday. (We passed our framing inspection at the beginning of the week).

The thing I'm looking forward to the most is seeing what Dorian looks like. Eric and I have a 75% chance of having a brown eyed baby, and a 25% chance of a green or blue eyed one. I wonder what it'll be. I wonder if he'll have Eric's cheeks like Tristan. I wonder if he'll have that fatty upper lip that Eric has. I wonder what his little personality will be like. I wonder... everything.

pregnancy due date


Brenda and Jay said...

Wow! Sounds like you had a very busy day. Soon we will all know and there will be many more wonders ahead.

Astorga's said...

I wonder if he'll be as funny as Tristan, or if he'll be sweet like his mommy. But either way I'm sure he'll be super ooober cute.

Can Our Family? said...

Aww, how sweet, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tiffany!
wait a minute...8th month, 8th day?
that's August! This is October! the brain goes a little mushy right about now, huh? I wish you a speedy and painless birth...I'll be tracking you on the website!
Love you

Can Our Family? said...

Well, it used to be the 8th month in the Roman calendar. See: