Sunday, September 27, 2009

Not Yet, Baby!

I posted on Friday because I've had an increase in phone calls, emails and text messages since I've been nearing the end of this pregnancy. People just wondering how I'm doing (which is a cover for, "is the baby coming out yet?"). :-) So I decided to increase postings to 2 or 3 times a week until the baby comes out. (And Eric has an i-phone now, so we can post to the blog from the hospital when the baby's born).

HOWEVER, I hope that the baby waits a while longer to come out. Tristan turned 4 today. He has a well-child doctor's visit tomorrow morning. Then we have a Bible Study to go on. Then we have our framing inspection tomorrow afternoon. And we have our meeting tomorrow night. So, tomorrow is out, Dorian! Tuesday would also be inconvenient because of other appointments... actually this whole week would be inconvenient. I really hope he waits until the 8th to be born. I like the idea of October 8th. The 8th month and the 8th day. Maybe he'll really like octagons and octopi too. It's ok if he's late too. Maybe he'll be born on our Anniversary, October 17th. Who knows?

I have been having contractions everyday though. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and today I've had them off and on and several in a row for some spells. That's how it works though. You just keep having them until one day they don't stop, they get consistent and then things get going.

It's quite unbelievable to me that there are only about 10 days left until the due date. I'm beginning to outgrow all my maternity tops. There are 3 or 4 shirts left that fit and don't look like I'm squeezing into them. Then there are another 3 or 4 that I will still wear, but the poor shirts aren't very happy when I do. And people squint when they look at me, in fear that a button will fly off and shoot them in the eye. :-)


Brenda and Jay said...

We too are anxious for the BIG day. Just wondering if Tristan is more anxious because he has been telling us Baby Dorian will come when he is four. I always smile when I check the blog and there is a new posting. Did not even think about the 8th day of the 8th month thing but did wonder if it would be fun for you to have a baby on your anniversary.

Can Our Family? said...

Tristan doesn't seem anymore anxious than he was before. Mostly, he likes to say "Oh, Lordy!" when he gets up to make fun of me. He thinks he's rather funny. And he is. He also likes to tell people that my belly is huge.
I just asked Tristan if he's anxious for the baby to come out, he said no. I asked him if he knew what anxious meant, he said no. So I told him, then he said yes. :)

Amy said...

Totally unrelated to you or your pregnancy but...

We were at Wal-Mart today and Peyton pointed at all things halloween and announced, "Mom! That's Satan the Devil!"...thought I'd share :)

Can Our Family? said...

Hahaha, that's really cute. All that good training! It reminds me of when Tristan decided to play "out in service" while we were at a Chinese restaurant recently. He kept walking around the table back and forth to Eric and I saying, "Hello, would you like to learn about Jehovah? I will read this scripture to you. Jehovah loves us." One of those times when you're proud and yet slightly embarrassed too.